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My Qualifications 



Strategic Intervention & Transformation Coach - Robbins - Madanes Training.


Undergraduate Certificate in History and Philosophy of Complementary Medicine with Endeavour College of Natural Health.


 Certified NLP Practitioner & Time Line Therapy & Hypnotherapy. - American Board of NLP.


Angel Healing Therapist - Soulscented 


Reiki Level 1 Training - Nourished Energy


 Founder & Senior Event Manager at 
Coco Events Australia for 4 

+ 25 years in Event Management 


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Louise is full of the wisdom and experience from as she likes to call it the university of life. She has been a global citizen during her lifetime. As a small child and alongside her husband and 2 children she has lived in 5 of the 7 continents of the world. She has lived in 8 different countries and 13 different cities to date. She has raised her family alone with her husband together as an unshakable team. Riding the waves of the good and not so good over their 26 years of marriage. 


Throughout her life she has shown strength, courage, resilience, determination, commitment, love, loyalty, trust, curiosity and a sense of adventure. She has also endured times of deep loneliness, uncertainty, sadness, frustration, as well as love, laughter, fun and excitement, all the while showing up with a smile on her face, and a “we’ve got this” attitude as well as grace, elegance, love and respect for herself and those around her. She has an inner knowing that there is more to life and that life is here to be lived.


 But also


A woman with negative self esteem and beliefs living a life of “normality “ until one day she was introduced to a different way of life. A different way of thinking and showing up in life. She had to overcome many fears, obstacles and limiting beliefs. She was awakened to what was really out there in the world. She could see other women like her living their dreams and incredible lifestyles. She knew she was just like them, she could see herself in these women and went on a quest to learn from them, implementing what they had done and is now in the process of creating her own empowering life and story.


She empowers women over 40yrs to flow through this next chapter of their lives with grace, elegance, self love, self respect and confidence.


She helps and supports women:

  • On their personal discovery.

  • Awakening them to who they truly are.

  • Finding who they are at their core.

  • Rediscovering the woman they have suppressed for so long.

  • Reignite who they are before they are a mum, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an employee, a business owner.

  • What defines her as the woman she is now and who she needs to become to live her dream life.  




She Means Business Show

The Four Year Career 


Plant Base


Image by Mo

Things I Love

Image by Liana Mikah
Chia Pudding
Image by Arnel Hasanovic
Image by Gabrielle Henderson

Good Food




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It's time to  Shine!

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